Travel Tips

10 Clever Hacks To Enjoying A Hassle-Free Trip To India

There’s not a single speck of doubt that India is a beautiful country. Be it nature’s virgin beauty, or the myriad of cultures, colourful customs and heart-warming traditions that you find here, India leaves no stone unturned to give you unforgettable travel experience.

However, it can be a tad difficult for foreigners to get acquainted with the country’s unique way of treating her guests. If you’re looking for expert suggestions to make the most of your trip to India, you’ve just come to the exact place you should be looking for information. 

Here, we’ve listed 10 clever ideas for foreign travellers to enjoy a hassle-free tour experience in India.

Just keep scrolling.

  • Learn the Local Dialect

Most of the people in the remote areas don’t speak English too well, let alone other foreign languages. If you can manage some Hindi, it’ll work nicely, but if you can learn some other popular languages like Tamil, Marathi or Bengali, things will work like magic. Don’t panic! It’s just an option. You can get along well in Hindi and English. 

  • Plan Your Itinerary Carefully

You’ve to feel the immaculate beauty of the forests, the majestic mountains, the golden beaches, explore the underwater treasures and taste local food, all with sufficient time. Covering too much in a single day will spoil the fun. Discuss with a domestic travel company in India and plan your days effectively.

  • Print the Electronic Travel Authorisation Form

As you know (or you may not), you’ll need a double-entry tourist visa to enter the Indian premises. You’ve to carry a printout of the electronic travel authorisation form, even if you’ve mailed it to the concerning authorities. Otherwise, you may face troubles while boarding the flight. 

  • Carry Printed Documents Wherever You Go

Although efforts are on to replace paper documents with the electronic media, the entire country still needs to be digitised to meet that goal. Hence, try to be on the safe side and carry printouts of all important documents like hotel reservations, passports, credit card statements, bus tickets and other documents you deem necessary. 

  • Carry mosquito repellents

India is a tropical country, where the mosquitoes are rampant, spreading malignant diseases like malaria, dengue and more. You should always carry a mosquito repellent ointment (or spray) with you, especially while visiting remote places. You can also get them at any local chemist if your stock gets exhausted. 

  • Know About the Climate of India

The places in India exhibit different climatic conditions. While some regions experience extremes of temperatures (heat and cold), some are relatively moderate. Some may even experience high rainfall (or snowfall) than the others. Moreover, some of the regions are dangerous to explore at certain times of the year. It is advisable to get an idea about the different climatic conditions in India before you fly down here.

  • Eat healthily and drink mineral water

It’s best to avoid street food in India if you aren’t in the habit. You don’t want to fall sick on your trip, do you? Eat healthy food from the well-to-do food joints and drink mineral or properly-filtered water only. While buying water bottles, don’t forget to check the manufacturing dates before you consume them. 

  • Make Proper Arrangements for Transport

Almost all the metro cities in India are connected by highways, facilitating the use of transport apps like Uber and Ola Cabs. However, during rush hours, you may fail to find one, as the traffic can be unpredictable. You can hop into a yellow taxi or take an AC bus during such emergencies. But in the remote areas, you’ve to be proactive and make proper arrangements beforehand, as finding convenient public transport options can be daunting at times. 

  • Be wary of scammers and thieves

Don’t give your credit/debit card or bank details to any random person, even if they offer to help you regarding financial issues. Just keep in mind that you’re in a new place full of new faces, and those faces can be either kind or selfish but never both. Refrain from talking to strangers and passers-by unless necessary. 

  • Make the Most of Mobile Apps

You can use the app, “BookMyShow” to get an idea of the events being held around you. Every festive season in India is celebrated with huge grandeur, and you can be a part of it all by using the app. You can also spend some quality time in the lavish multiplexes, watch movies, shop for some local attires and trinkets and have a gala experience. Use Google Maps to get an idea about the nearby places you can visit, and install the famous food app, Zomato, to find out inexpensive but healthy meal options in your location. 

Final Words

India never ceases to amaze you, if you know how to embrace its diversity. Follow the suggestions mentioned above and get in touch with a reliable inbound tour operator in India to help you plan your trip properly. That way, you’ll steer clear of any trip hazard and focus on having the best experience of your life.  

Yes, India can do that for you!

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