Travel Tips

Your Guide to World Economic Forum in Davos

The World Economic Forum in Davos is one of the most important annual events for powerful and wealthy people from all around the world. For the last 50 years, businessmen, leaders of the largest world  corporations, some celebrities, the creators of the main social media platforms – they all can be found in one place at the beginning of every year. Even though this event has the word “economic“ in its official name, the World Economic Forum is so much more than just a gathering about the economy. If you want to find out some interesting facts that none of us are aware of, then keep reading. Here are some basics about this event that brings the attention of the whole word to a small Swiss village every year :

Davos is Not a Name of the Forum Location ?

Although everyone calls it the World Economic Forum in Davos, the name of this gathering which is held every January is not quite right. You would think that there’s a Swiss village called Davos, but it’s actually the name of the mountain resort where the summit is held. Many rival events have tried to use the name Davos in their gatherings name – but in 2019, an investment conference in Saudi Arabia was named “Davos in the Desert”. That made the organizers of the World Economic Forum very angry – they threatened to protect their name by all legal means. That made clear that the word Davos is exclusevly intended for this anuly economic forum only.

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Not so Easy to Understand

One of the main characteristics of WWF is its language – many of the participants say that this Forum has its own way of speaking. The official language is English of course, but everybody is using complicated corporate phrases and expressions to make everything sound even more important. What’s even more bizarre is that usually the main topic of this event is presented in a mysterious and not so understandable way. We’re not sure what’s the exact goal of that way of communication and presentation, but it’s something that you can expect every year. Even if you are an experienced observer of the WEF, it can remain a mystery what participants are talking about.

A Place Where Elderly are Having a Word

Interesting fact that may not cross your mind is that at meetings in Davos there are not any young people! As strange as it sounds, people in their 20s or 30s are very rare guests.  The average age for men is 54, and for women 49 years. We can explain that by the fact that it takes time to get to the top of the world elite. Only after that you may get an invitation to intend the WEF. However, there are exceptions of course, depending on how much influence a person had on the entire planet during that year. For example, in 2020 the Forum’s guest was a young activist Greta Tunberg. Also, the youngest participant was 16 years old and the oldest one was 92.

Not so Diversity-Friendly Passes

For a Forum that has a diversity among all people of the planet as its main topics, it surely has a strange system for guest ranging. Improving inequality has a high place in Davos, but the World Economic Forum has a very unequal system of its guests. That means that even though you’re in the same place with the American president or the British Royal family, you won’t be able to come near them. The passes are marked with different colours, and you can only socialize with those groups who have the same colour as yours. The most important guests who are on high positions will receive white hologram passes and they will have access to everything – including the most exclusive special meetings where all the top secrets are spoken about. Every colour has a different meaning, so the spouses of the participants have one colour, journalist another and so on. Every colour means different levels of access. The lowest level is so called the “hotel badge” which doesn’t even allow you to enter the conference center. You can only be a guest to some parties at night or use it as a pass to go skiing. To sum up, not all people who find themselves in Davos will have the same experience, neither the same information and influence.

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If You Want to Participate –  You Have to Pay

Another surprising fact about WEF is that you have to pay for your presence – even though important persons get an invitation to come to Davos, some of them still have to pay. That sounds irrational, but considering the importance that this event has in circles of the world’s elite, it doesn’t come as a surprise that they are ready to pay a lot. 

Companies are the only ones paying to participate in the Forum. That means  all the important businessmen have to pay the price to be there. All  of the other participants are free to come without compensation. The price for the companies is 27.000 Swiss francs, or 23,800 euros per person! Another condition is that every participant must  be a member of the World Economic Forum. That means they have to pay for membership  that ranges from 6.,000 Swiss francs per year, to 600.000 Swiss francs for the ones called  “strategic partners”!

One way or another, no one is there for free. But if you ask any of the attendants, they will all say it is a price worth paying for. Many will also recommend Davos forum limousine service. It comes as a no surprise as this is the place where the world’s elite is gathered.

The leaders of the World Economic Forum consider it as “the most important creative force for involving the world’s most important leaders in collaborative activities to shape global, regional and industrial programs at the beginning of each year”. It’s also one of the most secured events where you have to go through all security procedures similar to ones on the airports. WEF truly presents one of the most important political and international events, and all of the characteristics of the above contribute to its uniqueness.

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